General conditions of the sublet agreement


La MY.HO CASA S.R.L. Tax Code/ VAT number 02195530684, company registration number PE - 161081, with registered office in Pescara (PE), in Viale Bovio n.235, hereinafter referred to as the “sublocator”


-          Which with a lease for residential use for commercial purposes? tourism pursuant to art. 53 Legislative Decree 79/2011 (Tourism Code) has acquired the availability of the property booked online, in order to sub-lease it to the end customer for the same tourist purposes

-          which intends to regulate the methods of the agreement, the content and the execution of the contract through the following clauses – general conditions of the sub-lease contract for tourist purposes;

-          that the sub-conductor/final customer declares to have read the following contract conditions. In fact, the system does not allow bookings without first having clicked on the relative link and which, read carefully, deems them fair and accepts them in full, as much given


1. The premises are an integral part of the general contract conditions and constitute regulatory and mandatory content for the parties.
2 .SUBLET FOR TOURIST PURPOSES. The property is sub-leased for exclusive purposes; for the duration and the fee (price of the stay) established in the online booking, which is an integral part of these general conditions also for the exact identification of the property, better described therein.
3. PROHIBITION OF SUBLEASE. It' it is strictly forbidden for the sub-tenant to sub-lease the property covered by the contract or to grant it to third parties on loan, use or otherwise.
4. SUBLEASE NOT EXTENDABLE. Given its nature for transient tourist purposes, this contract will cease to apply. upon expiry, meaning canceled as of now on the date of end of stay.
5.CONDITION OF EFFECTIVENESS. This sublease agreement will be effective for all legal purposes only after the sub-tenant/customer has proceeded to make the payment of the entire sum relating to the deposit no later than 72 hours from the confirmation of availability; by My.Ho Casa. Once these terms have elapsed, the reservation is considered canceled without the obligation on the part of My.Ho Casa S.r.l. to notify the sub-conductor in any way. The sub-conductor is required to send the bank transfer receipt by email to the address indicating the name and surname used for the reservation and the reservation number shown in the reservation summary.
6. FEE BALANCE . The balance of the entire amount of the sub-lease (the cost of the stay including the tourist tax where present) must be paid. take place at the exact moment of delivery of the keys to the property by payment by credit card, debit card, debit card or cash. Failure to pay in full upon arrival at the property constitutes a condition for the termination of the agreement reachedor with online booking and this contract, with the right of the lessor My.ho casa srl not to hand over the keys and, therefore, the property, to the tenant, and to request the entire price of the stay, constituting the advance payment an essential element of the contract. Consequently, it is My.ho casa srl has the right to grant the “non-paid” apartment to third parties.
7.NON-REFUNDABLE PAYMENT, WITHDRAWAL AND DISCIPLINE OF THE DEPOSITIn the event of early withdrawal by the sub-tenant from the current sub-lease agreement, the deposit paid will not be refunded. ; in any case returned. If, for any reason, during the sublease relationship, the sub-tenant were to release the property in advance of the expiry date, the latter will not have the right to relinquish the property. right to no refund for the unused period. If the withdrawal is communicated to My.Ho Casa S.r.l. at least 30 days before the start of the stay, said withdrawal will result in the loss of the deposit alone; it is the possibility is foreseen; to make 1 date change in the current season, based on availability; and conditions on the website Beyond this term, the sub-conductor must pay the agreed sum for the entire amount which, by express agreement, is to be considered non-refundable, thus constituting an advance payment of the entire sublease period.
8.COLLECTION AND DELAY. It's it is mandatory to notify the My.Ho Casa customer service if the apartment is not taken over on the day established in the booking. My.Ho Casa is obliged to keep the leased property confidential for 24 hours following the date and time of arrival indicated in the contract. If it is not specified a time, the 24 hours will expire at 9:00 of the following day. In in in case of failure to take delivery of the keys within and no later than the following 24 hours, the deposit paid by the sub-conductor is understood to be lost in full and ; also the obligation on the part of it to pay the sum agreed for the entire stay. In case of unavailability; of the apartment or breach of contract by the company; My.Ho Casa S.r.l., will be the amount of the deposit will be returned or it will be refunded. offered to the sub-tenant an equivalent or higher apartment at the same economic conditions defined in the booking summary.
9. NUMBER OF GUESTS AND ANIMALS . It' it is forbidden to stay with a greater number of guests than those foreseen by the rented apartment. My.Ho Casa S.r.l., through its collaborators, reserves the right to check the actual number of guests it will occupy; the apartment subject to sublease. a supplement of € 100.00 (one hundred euros/00) for each additional person, which the sub-conductor will be obligated to pay the landlord. Pets are allowed only if previously communicated by the sub-tenant and with the approval of My.Ho Casa, since they are not allowed. not all apartments are suitable for accommodating them. All guests are also required to attend. to observe the generally applicable condominium rules, especially the rules relating to quiet during the hours of the afternoon (from 14.00 to 16.00) and at night (from 00.00 to 08.00).
10.DEPOSIT AND DAMAGES. To guarantee the good conservation of the apartments and the objects included in them, the tenant is required to hand over the keys. obliged to pay a deposit equal to € 100.00 (one hundred euro/00) only and exclusively through pre-authorization on a credit card. The apartment must be left in a state of perfect order and cleanliness, free of rubbish or any waste, with the dishes washed and the fridge defrosted. The sub-conductor undertakes to return the apartment in the same state in which it was received. delivered upon check-in and to promptly notify the sub-lessor of any damage, problems, malfunctions, missing tools or other. My.Ho Casa will arrange for you. to repair as soon as possible; short time possible, always compatibly with availability; of material and technical personnel. The security deposit will be released upon return dthe keys, upon release of the property by the sub-tenant, within the times and methods provided for by the reference circuit, subject to verification of the apartment by the My.Ho Casa staff. Will be able to be deducted an amount equal to the same pre-authorized deposit for the reimbursement of any damage caused or for the lack of cleaning of the kitchenette, dishes or the inadequate disposal of waste or any other damage caused to the property or to the objects or systems in contained therein, always subject to any greater damage. The sub-lessor reserves the right to contact the sub-conductor, even after his departure, to exercise the rights referred to in this clause.
11.PRICES AND EQUIPMENT OF THE FLATS. The prices in the price list are per flat and are per stay. All flats are fully furnished, equipped with hot and cold water and electricity, supplied with basic kitchenware, kitchen or kitchenette, TV and refrigerator. Lift, washing machine, iron, air conditioning and other optional extras are provided, only if specified in the flat card
12. RELEASE FROM LIABILITY. 12.1 The sub-tenant exempts My.Ho Casa S.r.l. from any liability; for events that may occur during the stay not attributable to the fact or will of the of the same, as well as the exemption from liability; for events caused by force majeure that may force you to cancel the booking, at your discretion. 

12.2 La My.Ho Casa S.r.l. also does not answer; of any thefts and damages suffered by the sub-conductor during the stay, as there is no assignment in custody of goods of any kind. of any loss of objects left or forgotten in the apartment upon departure. The sub-tenant exonerates My.Ho Casa srl without limitation from liability; pertaining to the events referred to in point 12.2 assuming on oneself the any responsibility; and duty of diligence and caution regarding the custody of all objects brought into the subleased apartment.

12.3 the Subconductor acknowledges and accepts that, with regard to any disservices listed below, My.ho srl will have a responsibility; limited to what is expressly agreed upon herein and that is: a) with regard to any malfunctions or complete non-functioning of the air conditioners, without prejudice to the commitment to eliminate the inconvenience as soon as possible; short time possible, if the problem cannot be resolved during the holiday, the parties provide for a penalty in favor of the customer of € 10.00 for each day of disservice, meaning day a partial or total disservice that lasted for 90 continuous minutes; b) regarding the lack of hot water or running water in general, depending on the fact of MY.Ho srl (and not on external or objective factors), the parties limit the liability; assets of MY.Ho srl at € 20.00 per day, meaning a day of outage for a period of at least 90 consecutive minutes.

12.4 in the hypotheses referred to in paragraph 12.3, the sub-conductor waives any greater claim, being satisfied with the amount of compensation envisaged.

13.USE OF THE SWIMMING POOL. Where the apartment is located in a condominium with swimming pool, the customer acknowledges that the company My.ho Casa srl is not one of them. owner, nor exclusive beneficiary, and that any ordinary and extraordinary maintenance costs are of the condominium which also remains the recipient of the prevention and safety rules, without prejudice to the obligation of the customer, where the use of the swimming pool is permitted by the condominium, to comply with the rules imposed by the same as well as from the communes rules of diligence and prudence in the water and in the surrounding areas.
 14. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE TIMES. Upon delivery of the keys and balance of the sub-lease, the sub-tenant must show your identification document and that of the other guests. The apartments will be made available from 15.00 to 20.00 on the day of arrival (the My.Ho Casa reception service must be contacted to collect the keys) and must be vacated no later than 09.00 on the day of departure. , in a perfect state of order and cleanliness, without rubbish or waste, with the dishes washed, the refrigerator empty and the furniture in their place. The keys will be returned where indicated by the staff. In case of arrival before 15.00, it can be early check-in will be allowed, subject to telephone or electronic communication, but not entry into the apartment, which will take place after always starting at 15.00. If, on the other hand, the arrival should be delayed, it is it is mandatory to notify the reception staff of My.Ho Casa S.r.l. to the reference numbers indicated in the information email received prior to arrival. 
15. JURIAL COURT. For any controversy that may arise regarding the execution and interpretation of this contract, the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Pescara is agreed between the parties.
16. PRIVACY INFORMATION. The sub-conductor declares to have read the Privacy information that My.ho Casa srl has published on the site pursuant to of the articles 13 and 14 Gdpr, and which regulates the Privacy and Cookie Policy of the website.

The sub-conductor declares to have fully and consciously read all the obligations specified in the aforementioned clauses, and in particular to accept expressly and for a second time in a specific way, after having read the General Conditions of Contract, pursuant to and for the purposes of articles 1341 and 1342 of the civil code, the following clauses: Art. .5 (effective condition); Art. 6 (advance payment of the fee and consequences of non-payment), Art. 7 (non-refundable payment); Art. 8 (failure to take delivery of the apartment within the terms and consequences on payment); Art. 12 (exemption from liability); Art. 12.3 limitation of liability: Art. 12.4 waiver of greater rights; Art. 15 Jurisdiction, accepting them expressly and individually